General terms and conditions

    Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 67
    5020 SALZBURG, Austria
    T.: +43/662/875519
    F.: +43/662/886748

    ZVR: 667209752


    After registration, you will receive a registration confirmation by email, with your membership number and access data to the member area of the ÖGG website.

    Membership fees:

    The membership fees correspond to the fees confirmed by the General Assembly and are payable after an invoice has been sent.

    Students” are persons under the age of 26 years, without a regular salary. Doctoral students are also exempt! The certificate of studies has to be added.


    The society journal is included in the membership fee. Each issue is made available once as a hard copy and online.

    “Supporting Members” receive three hard copies of the magazine.

    Our Events have their own member entrance fees, which are significantly reduced compared to regular entrance fees.

    “Supporting Members” can register all persons belonging to the company with the membership price.


    We will send a membership fee invoice at the beginning of the year. This can be done by bank transfer or directly in the members area at the OeGG-Website by credit card (Visa, Master) and “Sofort” transfer. Payment must be in euros (€) and be free of charge for the recipient.

    The membership fees must be paid within 14 days.

    Bank Details:

    UniCredit Bank Austria AG
    IBAN: AT17 1100 0099 5395 9500

    Please state the name and the invoice number in the purpose of use!

    Credit Card and Sofort Payment:

    The charging via credit card and Sofort is operated by

    510 Townsend Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103, USA


    Patrick Collison (Chief Executive Officer)


    The resignation from the association can be declared at any time by written notification to the society and is effective at the end of the year if the notification is received at least three months in advance.

    The transfer of a membership to another person is possible at any time and has to be also announced in writing by the active member.

    Privacy protection

    With the registration, the member agrees that the society can use its dates (Personality, booked membership) for its own purpose (Information about other events, promotion, etc.) and that these may be passed to the publisher for the delivery of the society journal.

    Place of jurisdiction

    For all privities of contract with the organizer Austrian laws apply. The place of jurisdiction is Salzburg, Austria.



    The Registration is binding.
    If you register online, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

    Member: We are only able to accept the registration as a member, if the membership number is completed, or if you add your ISRM-Certificate.

    Students: “Students” are persons under the age of 26 years, without a regular salary – except doctoral students! The certificate of studies has to be added.

    Lecturer: For each presentation there is only one lecturer free of registration fees. For social program, field trip or accompanying persons program, regular fees will be charged also from presenters.



    The registration fee covers participation in the conference, lunch, chamber concert, congress dinner and the proceedings.

    Your tickets as well as the proceedings will be handed out directly at the registration desk of the congress center.



    After registration, the participant will receive an invoice. The registration is only valid after receipt of payment. You are able to pay by bank transfer, check or credit card (Following credit cards are accepted: Visa, Master). The payment has to be in EURO (€) and „free of charge for the beneficiary“

    The invoice has to be paid within 14 days.

    Bank Details:

    Bank Austria, UniCredit
    IBAN: AT17 1100 0099 5395 9500

    Please fill in the name of the participant as well as the invoice number on the bank transfer form


    Credit Card and Sofort Payment:

    The charging via credit card and Sofort is operated by

    510 Townsend Street
    San Francisco, CA 94103, USA


    Patrick Collison (Chief Executive Officer)



    We only accept written cancellations. Following cancellation fees will be charged:

    • before October1st: 25 % of the participant fees
    • after October 1st: 100 % of the participant fees

    We, however, gladly accept a substitute participant without demanding any additional charges.



    The Insurance protection during each event is matter of the participant. For all events held by the organizer, liability is excluded.


    Privacy protection

    With the registration, the participant agrees that the organizer can use his dates (Personality, booked events) for his own function (Information about other events, promotion, etc.) and that the indicated address and e-mail address will be added to the participants list of the event.

    You also agree that photos or shots will be taken and can be published.

    The right of changes of program or fees, or changes of the general terms and conditions are reserved by the organizer.

    If you would like to be removed from your database, please contact us at the folloquing e-mail address:



    The organizer reserves the right to change dates and times, or – in case of insufficient participants – to cancel an event. In this case, you will be informed in an adequate period of time per e-mail. All fees for the cancelled event will be refunded. Additionally, there do not exist other compensations or claims.


    Place of jurisdiction

    For all privities of contract with the organizer Austrian laws apply. The place of jurisdiction is Salzburg, Austria.