The Sections

    In 1998 four sections have been established to enhance the interdisciplinary co-operation in all fields of geotechnics.

    The main tasks of the specialist sections concern:

    • Coordination and execution of scientific research
    • Publication of the results obtained, particularly in the association's journal "Geomechanics and Tunneling"
    • Coordination and holding of lectures, conferences and training events
    • Participation in the annual geomechanics colloquium
    • Exchange of experiences with foreign experts and participation in international associations and working groups

    On 20.06.22 another section called "ÖGG Young Members Austria" was founded and invites young colleagues to exchange ideas and gain experience.

    Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering

    Head: Helmut SCHWEIGER
    Proxies: Martin MOSER

    The section has following active working groups:

    Working Group „Parameteridentification“

    Working Group „In-situ Soundings“


    Working Group „Parameteridentification“

    The working group aims to formulate recommendations for performing geotechnical analysis in practice, including the selection of an appropriate calculation method, the definition of geotechnical parameters and the determination of values for the analysis. The guideline should help engineers involved in practical geotechnical analysis to choose the most appropriate calculation method. Emphasis will be put on the selection of suitable constitutive models for different types of applications, e.g. foundations, deep excavations.  

    The main content of the recommendation is structured as follows:

    Choice of calculation method and constitutive model Choice of soil investigation programme for parameter determination (in-situ and laboratory) Derivation of input parameters for analysis based on experimental data


    Markus Brandtner                            IGT - Salzburg

    Florian Scharinger                           GDP ZT - Graz

    Erich Saurer                                      Skava Consulting ZT-GmbH - Salzburg

    Ansgar Kirsch                                   FH Aachen - Deutschland

    Franz Tschuchnigg                          TU Graz – Graz

    Contact: franz.tschuchnigg@TUGraz.at


    Working Group „In-situ Soundings“

    Salzburg, Zell am See, Klagenfurt and Bregenz are areas in Austria with poor ground conditions (mainly clayey, sandy silts) but are important from a touristic and real estate perspective. Sampling in this type of soils is almost impossible leading to material parameter, necessary for the detailed design of geotechnical structures, which do not represent in-situ conditions very well. This may lead to damage of structures in the long term or to uneconomical counter measures, depending whether the misinterpretation of data is on the favourable or unfavourable side respectively. In-situ site testing by means of CPTu or seismic DMT provide a time and cost efficient alternative to characterise in-situ ground conditions. However, available correlations to arrive at material parameters based on in-situ measurements do not lead to satisfying results for these intermediate soils. Pore water pressure distributions during penetration and the influence of possible structure and bonding on cone resistance are not well understood and are therefore topic of intensive research activities. It is the goal of the working group to formulate recommendations for an improved determination of soil parameters for silty soils based on CPTu and sDMT taking into account aforementioned effects.       



    Marte Roman (TU Graz, Institut für Bodenmechanik, Grundbau und Numerische Geotechnik)

    Moser Martin (Bautechnische Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Salzburg)

    Oberhollenzer Simon (TU Graz, Institut für Bodenmechanik, Grundbau und Numerische Geotechnik)

    Premstaller Michael (Premstaller Geotechnik ZT GmbH)

    Racansky Vaclav (Keller Grundbau GmbH)

    Saurer Erich (SKAVA consulting ZT GmbH)

    Schuller Hartmut (INSITU Geotechnik ZT GmbH)

    Stauder Stefan (TU Graz, Institut für Felsmechanik und Tunnelbau)

    Tschuchnigg Franz (TU Graz, Institut für Bodenmechanik, Grundbau und Numerische Geotechnik)

    Wiltafsky Christoph (GDP ZT GmbH)  

    Note: 5 additional members of the FFG-Research Project PITS (Parameteridentification by means of in-situ testing in silty soils) will be nominated until summer 2021.

    Contact: s.oberhollenzer@tugraz.at

    Rock Mechanics and Rock engineering

    Head: Andreas GORICKI
    Proxies: Karl GROSSAUER, Rainer POISEL


    Head: Urs GRUNICKE
    Proxies: Robert GALLER, Roman HEISSENBERGER

    The section is currently working on a recommendation on the subject of LIFE CYCLE CONSIDERATIONS IN TUNNELLING. Due to the corona pandemic, the meetings have been taking place every 2 months via WEBEX video conferences for about 1 year.

    Engineering Geology

    Head: Christina RECHBERGER
    Proxies: Christian ZANGERL, Klaus VOIT

    Bodensee-Excursion 2024


    Head: Andreas GRANITZER
    Proxies: Bernhard Klampfer, Carina Wittberger

    The section "Joint Young Members Austria" was newly founded on 20.06.2022. For more info please click on the button in the red field:

    Young Members Austria

    Here you can visit the page of the Young Members Austria